GAT-X105z Strike Zero Gundam

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Hello Gunsta!! This time I have my personal battle gunpla for when GBN becomes s reality, haha. It is a custom Strike Gundam. It’s main weapons are the twin high output beam rifles. It also can generate energy shields on each arm. For close quarters, there’s 2 beam saber handles on the side skirts.

Additional equipment comes in the form of the Jet Zero Striker Pack. It's a combination of the jet striker pack with added zero cannons. These beam cannons have tremendous power and the output can be adjusted to conserve energy or for more destruction. The pack also gives additional mobility with its powerful engines.

Additional equipment comes in the form of the Jet Zero Striker Pack. It's a combination of the jet striker pack with added zero cannons. These beam cannons have tremendous power and the output can be adjusted to conserve energy or for more destruction. The pack also gives additional mobility with its powerful engines.

Parts Used:Torso, shoulders, arms, head, side skirts, back skirt- Build StrikeLegs- Perfect Strike Gundam Backpack- WindamBeam Rifles- 00 Sky Moebius Zero Cannons- Powered Arms SetFront Skirts- Double X

Parts Used:

Torso, shoulders, arms, head, side skirts, back skirt- Build Strike

Legs- Perfect Strike Gundam 

Backpack- Windam

Beam Rifles- 00 Sky Moebius 

Zero Cannons- Powered Arms Set

Front Skirts- Double X

"Strike Zero Gundam, launching!!"




  1. 2年前

    great armament!

HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアップデート

HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアッ…


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