GN-XVX-16 Gundam Aerial Rebuild Raiser

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I made a custom Aerial kitbash with 00 raiser. It has its own setting:

Model Number: GN-XVX-16 

Name: Aerial Rebuild Raiser 

Power Source: GN Drive×2

Armaments: Rebuild Rifle, Gund-bits, 0 Raiser, gn weapons (upcoming)

Special Functions: Shell Unit

Pilot: Dimitri Griver

GN Aerial Rebuild. A prototype mobile suit that incorporates the Shell Unit and the Twin Drive System, making it an extremely powerful machine. The gund-bits can be remotely controlled by the pilot to be separate attack bits or combine to create a powerful shield. They can also attach to the main body to increase mobility and defense 

GN Aerial Rebuild. A prototype mobile suit that incorporates the Shell Unit and the Twin Drive System, making it an extremely powerful machine. The gund-bits can be remotely controlled by the pilot to be separate attack bits or combine to create a powerful shield. They can also attach to the main body to increase mobility and defense 

The GN Condensers are hidden internally for ease of use and protection. The 0 Raiser can dock to assist the twin drive system in the flow of gn particles. While there is a cockpit, no pilot is needed to operate due to the Haro port on board the Raiser

The GN Condensers are hidden internally for ease of use and protection. The 0 Raiser can dock to assist the twin drive system in the flow of gn particles. While there is a cockpit, no pilot is needed to operate due to the Haro port on board the Raiser

"Take flight, Aerial Raiser!!"

Given the nature of gn particles, Aerial Rebuild Raiser is a super fast mobile suit. It's lightning fast reflexes are due to the Permet-link aspect of the machine. Uniting man and machine in order to obtain permanent peace. 

I'm attempting to equip gn weaponry as well. It will require some slight modifications to do so. I would like to equip the gn sword 3. If that's not possible, then the gn sword 2s will work fine. 

I'm attempting to equip gn weaponry as well. It will require some slight modifications to do so. I would like to equip the gn sword 3. If that's not possible, then the gn sword 2s will work fine. 

Up next will be the Lubris 00...




  1. GODAI 2年前





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