Previous work – fully painted before Covid and it took me some time to complete its polishing during the pandemic.
*Mono-eye sensor replaced with breathing-LED light and circuit from HIQ parts (
*Used 3rd-party etching parts Madworks and aura stickers from DAISO, etc. to further improve its detail.
*Also, I painted a 3rd-party hanger base after pandemic to suite with the MS and making it look-alike Kaitai Shouki ; )
*Painting: I spray-painted two kinds of red colour using Vallejo as base(70817 Scarlet and 70926 Red), then I lightly coated highlight areas using GSI clear red GX to improve their colour vibrance
*After that, I sprayed another layer of GSI GX clear topcoat, before polishing and applying model wax
*In addition, I painted the 1/144 Char Aznable, plus a few more figures as well!
Weapons and items. Wax-polished shield, and beam-saber parts are lightly-sprayed with Gundam Marker EX(MEPE/Holographic Yellow) for added effects.
Initial testing of LED circuit back in few years ago...
Internal frame. Painted with various types of metallic colours.
*I have to say this again - I really like the breathing LED effects!
Frankly speaking, this RG kit was not my best work with couple of hiccups happened its building/painting and polishing process. But still I want to share this out because I spent many time during pandemic with this kit - and it helped me to explore and practise some new skills(esp. hand-painting and polishing parts!)
Thank you!
RG 1/144 サザビー Sazabi - with LED monoeye 電飾
#gunpla #猫のしもべ #貓奴 #ガンプラは自由だ #高達模型係自由㗎
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