1/144 HGUC Zogok(Unicorn Version)
MSM-08 ゾゴック (ユニコーンVer.)
Fully painted with modified action base, plus LED installed in mono eye part.
Equipped with modified right side fist to hold a Sinanju Bazooka like a pistol
LED part replacing the original monoeye
Holding Sinanju Bazooka by adding an extra stand, with magnets installed inside the right arm part to give extra support.
Classic Gouf-Barrel-Gun pose - but in fact holding a Bazooka
HGUC Zogok ゾゴック(Unicorn Version) Fully Painted
#gunpla #猫のしもべ #貓奴 #ガンプラは自由だ #高達模型係自由㗎
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