ZGMF-X105 Omega Strike Gundam

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ZGMF-X105 Omega Strike Gundamの制作記録

2022/12/03 22:56
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This is the brother unit to the Omega Strike Gundam I recently posted. It's the ZGMF-X201 Solaris Gundam. In the setting, it gets taken by ZAFT by a spy that has been with the alliance for 7 years and became the best friend of the Omega Strike pilot. Making for some tough interactions between the two

2022/12/22 06:56
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Hello, Gunsta. This is an update on one of my customs, the ZGMF-X201 Solaris Gundam. This time it's equipped with twin solar satellite cannons. The panels collect solar radiation and convert it into energy to fire the powerful beam cannons. There is a downside, however. Firing too many times will overload the capacitors and they will explode. The system works best in space since there is no atmosphere. Aside from the cannons, it also wields a hyper beam launcher. The launcher can be adjusted to different rates of fire. The Solaris Gundam was built alongside the ZGMF-X105 Omega Strike Gundam. It was stolen by the undercover ZAFT pilot, Nathaniel Moore. The Omega Strike's pilot, Drew Richards, had become best friends with Nathaniel and was devastated to find out his friend was a double agent. The following battles were tough for Drew. He was engaging in battle with his friend. Eventually, he was able to reach his friend and Nathaniel decided to stick by his friend as he saved him from an attack at the cost of his life

2023/02/01 12:46
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Hello Gunsta! I wanted to show off the update on my Omega Strike Gundam. I had been trying to find a use for the lightning gundam parts I have and was finally able to put them to use. This could be a repair form of the Omega Strike. I will have to think about it and see haha

This is by far one of my favorite cosmic era/battlelogue customs




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