My 00 story builds

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These are my story customs. The thumbnail is the GNW-001.5 Enceladus Gundam FALO (fully armed load out)

GN-R1 Gundam GeminiThe close quarters based Gundam on the team. It's load out is a gn beam rifle and gn broad sword. It has additional thrusters for better mobility 

GN-R1 Gundam Gemini

The close quarters based Gundam on the team. It's load out is a gn beam rifle and gn broad sword. It has additional thrusters for better mobility 

GN-R2 Gundam Antares The long range shooter of the team. It's equipped with the gn lightning rifle. It has extra sensors for targeting enemy units. Beam Saber handles are stored in the side skirts. It has an optional booster unit that can be equipped to the back skirt. The gn full shield can be mounted to the shoulders via hard points. 

GN-R2 Gundam Antares 

The long range shooter of the team. It's equipped with the gn lightning rifle. It has extra sensors for targeting enemy units. Beam Saber handles are stored in the side skirts. It has an optional booster unit that can be equipped to the back skirt. The gn full shield can be mounted to the shoulders via hard points. 

Booster unit is from the hguc gp03 stamen. 

Booster unit is from the hguc gp03 stamen. 

GN-R3 Gundam Cygnus Transformable support unit. It has a high speed Cruiser mode that it can change into. It's armaments are: gn arm vulcans, gn cannon/missile pods, gn cannon

GN-R3 Gundam Cygnus 

Transformable support unit. It has a high speed Cruiser mode that it can change into. It's armaments are: gn arm vulcans, gn cannon/missile pods, gn cannon

Gn cannons were made by gluing plastic tubed onto the gn missile pods  

Gn cannons were made by gluing plastic tubed onto the gn missile pods 


GN-R4 Gundam Oberon The bombardment/heavy weapons unit of the group. Oberon has 4 gn field emitters on the legs and shoulders. The main weapon is the gn launcher II. 2 more gn cannons are mounted on the back near the gn drive. They also have thrusters built it to assist in movement 

GN-R4 Gundam Oberon 

The bombardment/heavy weapons unit of the group. Oberon has 4 gn field emitters on the legs and shoulders. The main weapon is the gn launcher II. 2 more gn cannons are mounted on the back near the gn drive. They also have thrusters built it to assist in movement 

Another view of Oberon 

Another view of Oberon 

GN-R5 Gundam Lyra Lyra was built in secret. It is revealed to be a secondary sniper unit. It's armaments are the gn sniper carbide ×2, gn shield, and gn beam sabers. Additional thrusters are mounted on the legs for mobility. GN beam saber emitters are also installed in the arms

GN-R5 Gundam Lyra 

Lyra was built in secret. It is revealed to be a secondary sniper unit. It's armaments are the gn sniper carbide ×2, gn shield, and gn beam sabers. Additional thrusters are mounted on the legs for mobility. GN beam saber emitters are also installed in the arms

Side view of Lyra

Side view of Lyra

GNZ-09 OrionThis is a high performance mobile suit that's powered by a gn drive tau. It is on par with the gundams as far as performance goes. It's equipped with the gn mega launcher, gn beam sabers, gn vulcans, escape pod

GNZ-09 Orion

This is a high performance mobile suit that's powered by a gn drive tau. It is on par with the gundams as far as performance goes. It's equipped with the gn mega launcher, gn beam sabers, gn vulcans, escape pod

Thank you for reading until the end




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