Hello Gunsta, this is my custom painted kitbash of the zaku II high mobility type and the Gouf custom. I call it the Desert Ghost Zaku II since I created the setting in my head.
Model number: MS-06/d
Load Out: zaku machine gun, zaku bazooka, anti-ship rifle, heat hawk
Pilot: Lt. Owen Harrison
Info: Built to be the ultimate stealth assault suit in the desert region of Asia, this particular Zaku devastated the Federation Forces stationed there. It was given the nickname "Desert Ghost" by the Federation pilots. It's color scheme made it blend perfectly into the It also had protective covers on the exposed joints to eliminate any sand causing major problems. It was equipped with the high mobility type backpack. its weaponry, it used standard Zaku equipment, except for the long range sniper rifle.This rifle fired physical rounds and had multiple types of ammunition it could use.From standard type rounds to anti-ship rounds can be used.Lt. quite the kill streak with his Zaku.It would have continued to climb if he hadn't encountered his rival on the battlefield....
Using the zaku shield weapon holder, I was able to attach the anti-ship rifle to it as well.
The desert color scheme looks good. This was my first zeon custom I've ever done. I think it turned out very well
I made the anti-ship rifle with a smaller barrel
Aiming the rifle
Looking down the barrel
Shield mounted weapons rack
High mobility type backpack
I hope you enjoy this one. It's part of a bigger story I have in my mind
Thank you!!
My name is Doug Goins. I'm from the Unites States. I have enjoyed gunpla for a very long time. Only about 4 years ago, I really got into the custom side of the hobby. Now, I enjoy making customs most. To make something unique that is truly yours is what draws me to the customizing aspect of this hobby. Another thing is interacting with fellow builders. Even across the globe, we all can enjoy GUNPLA together!!
私の名前はダグ・ゴインズです。 私は米国出身です。 ガンプラを長く楽しんでいます。 私がカスタム趣味に本格的にハマったのは、わずか 4 年ほど前です。 今はカスタムするのが一番楽しいです。 本当に自分だけのユニークなものを作ることが、この趣味のカスタマイズという側面に私を惹きつけるのです。 もう一つは、ビルダー仲間との交流です。 世界中にいても、みんなで一緒にガンプラを楽しもう!!
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