From my Witch From Mercury custom series, I present the Gundrone. In the story, this is an experimental mobile suit. It is the first of its kind that is remotely piloted. There are squads of 10-15 machines that are controlled by the lead unit. The lead unit is piloted remotely by a cockpit block that is located on the battleship.
The initial machines were test units to make sure the newly engineered head unit could receive the control signals properly. After some minor adjustments were made, they were sent into real battle
A select few are created with a variable mode. This high speed flight mode is able to maneuver very well in both the atmosphere and in space
For weaponry, it's equipped with 1-2 beam assault carbines. These small beam rifles have a high rate of fire but have medium effectiveness. Next is the shield. Its made of thicker armor for better defense. The inside of the shield stores extra batteries for the carbines and 2 beam saber handles
The head is the most important part of this mobile suit. It houses the equipment for receiving the incoming signals.
The high speed flight mode is used for traveling long distances and escaping dangerous situations quickly
There is a powerful beam cannon that can be used only in this form. It's positioned at the front for better targeting
There is a large sensor in the "nose section". This is used for target acquisition and battlefield assessments. There are additional thrusters installed in the shoulders for added mobility
M8, It’s probably better to use the Japanese tags here.
It’s fine. As long as they see the pictures, that’s what matters to me
My name is Doug Goins. I'm from the Unites States. I have enjoyed gunpla for a very long time. Only about 4 years ago, I really got into the custom side of the hobby. Now, I enjoy making customs most. To make something unique that is truly yours is what draws me to the customizing aspect of this hobby. Another thing is interacting with fellow builders. Even across the globe, we all can enjoy GUNPLA together!!
私の名前はダグ・ゴインズです。 私は米国出身です。 ガンプラを長く楽しんでいます。 私がカスタム趣味に本格的にハマったのは、わずか 4 年ほど前です。 今はカスタムするのが一番楽しいです。 本当に自分だけのユニークなものを作ることが、この趣味のカスタマイズという側面に私を惹きつけるのです。 もう一つは、ビルダー仲間との交流です。 世界中にいても、みんなで一緒にガンプラを楽しもう!!
HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアッ…
HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)