STTS-808 Neo Justice Gundam

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I finished painting the new HGCE Immortal Justice Gundam. It’s a good kit. The backpack is a little awkward to pose and the thrusters on the backpack are really loose

I've never been a fan of the Justice's color scheme so I decided to change it up some. 

I've never been a fan of the Justice's color scheme so I decided to change it up some. 

The legs are probably my favorite part of the kit. I like the way they turned out

The legs are probably my favorite part of the kit. I like the way they turned out

Here is the MA Mode. I don't like it, lol. I'll probably never

Here is the MA Mode. I don't like it, lol. I'll probably never "transform" it again after this

Top view of the MA Mode

Top view of the MA Mode

I wonder if the Rising Freedom is better than this one




  1. TKG 1年前

    Thank you for your reply.I think everyone is watching using the translation function.You don’t have to worry about it.(zaku-kao5)
    I’ll be finished with my work soon, so please leave a comment.(gandam-kao6)

  2. TKG 1年前

    Sorry for the comment.I was looking at your work.However, since I don’t understand English, I just looked at the photos and clicked the “like” button.My daughter taught me about the translation function on my smartphone. I want to know what you think about your work.I feel the same way. I’m looking forward to the next work.I wrote the text using the translation function. Sorry if it’s weird.

    • GunplaGuy 1年前

      謝らないでください。 私が翻訳しなければならないはずです。 急いでいて何も考えていない。 それについてはお詫び申し上げます。 私の作品を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです。 できる限り改善しようと努めます




HGCE Murasume Kai with Hyper Mega Launcher

HGCE Murasume Kai with Hyper M…





HGCE ムラマサ改(ハイパーメガランチャー装備)

HGCE ムラマサ改(ハイパーメガランチャー装備)
