The Rook

  • 1968
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This work was made in 2023. A simple Witch From Mercury kitbash involving the HG Heindrei Sturm, HG Michaelis, HG Beguir Pente and TR6 Hazel head. This is maid with the intention of being a custom model for Build Fighters. 

The HGBF Nepteight backpack gives a nice touch to the overall design. Styrene strip supported by other strips to create a ring like “crown” for the TR6 head, to fit better in WFM universe. 

The HGBF Nepteight backpack gives a nice touch to the overall design. Styrene strip supported by other strips to create a ring like “crown” for the TR6 head, to fit better in WFM universe. 

30MM part used on Buster arm for a better and sleeker design. 

30MM part used on Buster arm for a better and sleeker design. 

If you have made it this far, thank you for viewing. 

If you have made it this far, thank you for viewing. 

I apologize for the lack of the clean background. I wanted to get a picture of the back to share. 

I apologize for the lack of the clean background. I wanted to get a picture of the back to share. 

This work is from 2023.




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