Zeat777 HG 2022.01/15更新 RX-77-4 Guncannon II 2088 45 いいねしたモデラー(45) 2 0 作品を共有 QRコードを作る HG HGUC This was a HG Guncannon revive kit modified with the old NG Guncannon II コメント コメントをして応援しよう コメントにはログインが必要です Zoo 3年前 Did you mix HG Guncannon and MSV(Mobile Suit Variation) GuncannonⅡ? That’s so cool! I also mixed HG Guncannon(not revive) and MSV(Mobile Suit Variation) GuncannonⅡ and made Guncannon Heavy Armored Type. If you’re interested, please check mine. Zeat777 3年前 Just checked it out, Yours looks better than mines lol. Like that you can swap out the cannons. Mines are pretty much fix lol. Zeat777 I'm just a man who really loves Gundam! 9 XXXG-M601 Heavy Walter Gundam Introducing the gundam with ac… 6 SVMS-GNOA Over Flag Albino The Over Flag Albino is experi… 7 Velanova MK.II The successor to the Velanova … 7 Amazing Hayaiiro This gunpla was built last yea… Zeat777さんのページ この作品をお薦め作品に設定する Please login to update your profile! Please login to update your profile! Please login to update your profile! Please login to update your profile! QRコードを作る 「RX-77-4 Guncannon II」をQRコードで紹介したい場合は 上記画像をご使用ください。
This was a HG Guncannon revive kit modified with the old NG Guncannon II
Did you mix HG Guncannon and MSV(Mobile Suit Variation) GuncannonⅡ?
That’s so cool!
I also mixed HG Guncannon(not revive) and MSV(Mobile Suit Variation) GuncannonⅡ and made Guncannon Heavy Armored Type.
If you’re interested, please check mine.
Just checked it out, Yours looks better than mines lol. Like that you can swap out the cannons. Mines are pretty much fix lol.
I'm just a man who really loves Gundam!
XXXG-M601 Heavy Walter Gundam
Introducing the gundam with ac…
SVMS-GNOA Over Flag Albino
The Over Flag Albino is experi…
Velanova MK.II
The successor to the Velanova …
Amazing Hayaiiro
This gunpla was built last yea…