My first diorama base and explosion effects

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Hello Gunsta!! GunplaGuy here again. This time I have this awesome project. I picked this up from a local hobby shop years ago. It’s a plastic sheet but it’s been formed with craters and some terrain in it. I decided to make a battlefield diorama base

Tamiya brown, dark green, and black were used on the surface. I also tried out some shading around the craters to give them more depth. I think I did a good job. I am proud of this accomplishment 

Tamiya brown, dark green, and black were used on the surface. I also tried out some shading around the craters to give them more depth. I think I did a good job. I am proud of this accomplishment 

With the explosion effects before I painted them. That's one of my custom Strike units haha

With the explosion effects before I painted them. That's one of my custom Strike units haha

Another view of the effects. They are from bandai

Another view of the effects. They are from bandai

This has a really cool look to it 

This has a really cool look to it 

This is after I painted the effects. For these, I used Tamiya flat yellow and orange. Mr. Hobby gundam white was also used. Finished off with a Mr. Hobby flat topcoat to seal everything up 

This is after I painted the effects. For these, I used Tamiya flat yellow and orange. Mr. Hobby gundam white was also used. Finished off with a Mr. Hobby flat topcoat to seal everything up 

Another view of the effects 

Another view of the effects 

Last one. I can't wait to get home from work tonight and get some photos. This cane out good for my 1st time trying to paint a diorama 

Last one. I can't wait to get home from work tonight and get some photos. This cane out good for my 1st time trying to paint a diorama 

Gunpla is freedom!!







HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアップデート

HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアッ…


HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)

HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)



