Psyco Strike Freedom (UPDATE!!)

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Hello Gunsta, I wanted to show the progress I made on this project. I got both legs done as well as added some parts on the ankle armor 

I took the parts off the Banshee and trimmed off the unwanted plastic and glued them onto the perfect strike freedom's ankle armor

I took the parts off the Banshee and trimmed off the unwanted plastic and glued them onto the perfect strike freedom's ankle armor

The backs of the legs use the Banshee's parts as well. They are trimmed and the psycoframe was removed.

The backs of the legs use the Banshee's parts as well. They are trimmed and the psycoframe was removed.

The Banshee's side skirts were also transplanted. I trimmed off the peg and cut the connection off the p.s.f ones and glued the two parts

The Banshee's side skirts were also transplanted. I trimmed off the peg and cut the connection off the p.s.f ones and glued the two parts

After getting one leg, you can see that there are thrusters inside of those parts. 

After getting one leg, you can see that there are thrusters inside of those parts. 

I plan on swapping the vfin out with the one from the destroy mode Banshee. It's my favorite of the three Unicorn Gundams. I still have a few small things to take care of. The major ones are figuring out what weapon I will use and what the backpack and equipment will be. I wish I had one of the Armed Armor DE shields. I think it would look cool if it were attached to the backpack as a booster. I also have the shield, but I'm not sure if I will use it or not. The arms already have beam saber handles attached so there's no need to come up with storage for the beam sabers. This has turned into a very cool project that I'm glad I started

I plan on swapping the vfin out with the one from the destroy mode Banshee. It's my favorite of the three Unicorn Gundams. I still have a few small things to take care of. The major ones are figuring out what weapon I will use and what the backpack and equipment will be. I wish I had one of the Armed Armor DE shields. I think it would look cool if it were attached to the backpack as a booster. I also have the shield, but I'm not sure if I will use it or not. The arms already have beam saber handles attached so there's no need to come up with storage for the beam sabers. This has turned into a very cool project that I'm glad I started

Thank you for looking at my project. I hope you enjoy it




HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアップデート

HGCE デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド カスタムアッ…


HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)

HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)





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