RX-78 GP03S Gundam

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This is the HGUC kit. I added detail such as turned aluminum thrusters, Builders manipulators, and hydraulic pipes in the head and legs. I added springs for power cables. I painted with Mr. Color paint panel lined it with artist oil paint. 

I used magnets to attach folding bazooka and shield.

I used magnets to attach folding bazooka and shield.

The hydraulics are brass and aluminum rods. I added some airbrush pre-shading to the blue and white. 

The hydraulics are brass and aluminum rods. I added some airbrush pre-shading to the blue and white. 

The thrusters on top are aluminum and I added rod and inner detail to them. The binder thrusters are from the kit with extra detail parts painted with Alclad. I added brass rod to the folding bazooka. 

The thrusters on top are aluminum and I added rod and inner detail to them. The binder thrusters are from the kit with extra detail parts painted with Alclad. I added brass rod to the folding bazooka. 

I painted the beam effect with bright pink to white, and clear red to blend it together. 

I painted the beam effect with bright pink to white, and clear red to blend it together. 

Thank you for looking.




Goodman Modelsさんがお薦めする作品

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