GAT-04 Windam(Launcher System MkII equipped)
The Alliance’s mass produced machine that was developed to proceed the Strike, the Windam did just that.
This particular unit is equipped with the experimental test unit for the Launcher System MkII. It has a more powerful Agni hyper Impulse cannon, a new 250mm high output beam cannon, and has two 3-tube missile pods on the legs. These pods can also be mounted to the high output beam cannon so the leg thrusters can be equipped
The Agni is charged via an external energy supply fed through a new belt delivery system
The sensor on the agni has been improved greatly. This makes accurate shooting possible.
The main core of the unit. The backpack has a movable docking port on the left side and a standard one on the right. There is also a movable thruster in the middle that gives a boost of mobility
Here is the GAT-04 Windam with its Jet Striker Pack equipped. This unit carries the Strike shield and has 2 propellant tanks installed to give it more flight time. The wings are loaded with large Air-to-Surface missiles as well as 2 multi launch rocket system pods. The beam rifle is a newly developed 75mm high output rifle
"Windam, heading out!!"
Thank you very much. The windam is such a cool design. It’s a shame it had no really good moments in the anime, haha
I’ll give you Credit for being able to post so many light customs very quickly.
Thanks. I’ve been out of work the last week due to the weather. I’ve had more time than usual to mess with my kits. Gunpla is more than just a hobby for me. It’s much more personal to me
My name is Doug Goins. I'm from the Unites States. I have enjoyed gunpla for a very long time. Only about 4 years ago, I really got into the custom side of the hobby. Now, I enjoy making customs most. To make something unique that is truly yours is what draws me to the customizing aspect of this hobby. Another thing is interacting with fellow builders. Even across the globe, we all can enjoy GUNPLA together!!
私の名前はダグ・ゴインズです。 私は米国出身です。 ガンプラを長く楽しんでいます。 私がカスタム趣味に本格的にハマったのは、わずか 4 年ほど前です。 今はカスタムするのが一番楽しいです。 本当に自分だけのユニークなものを作ることが、この趣味のカスタマイズという側面に私を惹きつけるのです。 もう一つは、ビルダー仲間との交流です。 世界中にいても、みんなで一緒にガンプラを楽しもう!!
HGCE デュエルブリッツガンダム(カスタムビルド)
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