(筆塗り)HGUC シャア専用ザクⅡ – revive ver.
My first fully-hand-painted gunpla kit posting here🖌️.
Fully hand-paint using the new GSI Aqueous water-based acrylic colour - with the exception on metallic/gun metal colours which I sprayed these parts using Gundam Marker spray system.
For GSI Aqueous, I have to say the result is by far the best among the water-based colours! It dries fast and give a finishing very similar to traditional GSI lacquer-based colours.
The 3D-printed hand parts from 三角屋(@mikadoya1112) are awesome! They look curvy and fits just right with the shape of arm, giving a convincing, classic 70s Mecha look!
Weapons. For convenience of holding weapons I’ve painted all fist parts from the kit as well, plus a 0083(F2) version of Zaku machine gun(which was bought from Gundam-Base few years ago).
If I don’t say it. I’m pretty sure no one will think it’s a hand-painted kit.
Mono-eye sensor: to give a more convincing&detailed look. I re-created the glass cover of mono-eye part using curved clear pla-plates.
#gunpla #猫のしもべ #貓奴 #ガンプラは自由だ #高達模型係自由㗎
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