STTS/A-808 イモータルジャスティス改

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「独自解釈のイモータルジャスティスガンダム」をコンセプトに「HG イモータルジャスティスガンダム」をベースにカスタムビルドを行いました。搭乗者の機体に対する評価を交えつつ¨運命¨を感じさせるイモータルジャスティスガンダムを設定考証と独自解釈を加えて制作しました。



本機は搭乗者と機体の親和性向上を目的に改修が施された「STTS-808」の派生仕様である。中近距離性能に秀でた「ジャスティス」でありながら、D型(対艦・対要塞用)装備を搭載した特殊攻撃仕様の機体となっている。This MS is a derivative of the STTS-808.The Although the “Justice” excelled in medium- and close-range performance It was modified into a special attack MS equipped with D-type equipment to enhance the affinity between the MS and its pilot.


This MS is a derivative of the STTS-808.The Although the “Justice” excelled in medium- and close-range performance It was modified into a special attack MS equipped with D-type equipment to enhance the affinity between the MS and its pilot.

本機における仕様変更は「STTS-808」のマルチロール機の特性によるもので、わずかな搭載武装の変更でありながら、通常仕様とは異なる性質を本機に与えている。The specification change in this machine is due to the characteristics of the “STTS-808” multirole MS, and although it is a slight change in the on-board armament, it gives this machine different characteristics from the normal specifications.


The specification change in this machine is due to the characteristics of the “STTS-808” multirole MS, and although it is a slight change in the on-board armament, it gives this machine different characteristics from the normal specifications.

背部「DF2Mk3」はハインライン設計局のAMFを基に、6枚の展開式翼へと改修され、機体の制動性が向上している。結果として能動性空力弾性翼に近い挙動を可能とした。The dorsal “DF2Mk3” was modified to six deployable wings with reference to the Heinlein Design Bureau's AMF to improve the braking performance of the MS. As a result, it is capable of behavior similar to that of an active aeroelastic wing.


The dorsal “DF2Mk3” was modified to six deployable wings with reference to the Heinlein Design Bureau's AMF to improve the braking performance of the MS. As a result, it is capable of behavior similar to that of an active aeroelastic wing.

「MA-F2D2」に代わり、RQM系列のビームブーメランを両肩部に2基搭載している。「MA-F2D2」のマウントを兼ねたサイドスカートは補助推進機へ改修された。Two RQM series beam boomerangs were mounted on both shoulders in place of the “MA-F2D2.” The side skirts, which served as weapon mounts for the “MA-F2D2,” were converted to auxiliary propulsion units.


Two RQM series beam boomerangs were mounted on both shoulders in place of the “MA-F2D2.” The side skirts, which served as weapon mounts for the “MA-F2D2,” were converted to auxiliary propulsion units.

ビーム刃を備えた大型対艦刀。高い威力を発揮するが、機体の均衡を欠如する大型武装であり、高い操縦技能が要求される。この武装は「EW454F」の大型対艦刀と同系列の武装であるとされる。Large Anti Vessel Sword with beam blade. Although highly powerful, it is a large armament that lacks the equilibrium of the MS and requires high maneuvering skills. This armament is said to be in the same family as the “EW454F” large Anti Vessel Sword.


Large Anti Vessel Sword with beam blade. Although highly powerful, it is a large armament that lacks the equilibrium of the MS and requires high maneuvering skills. This armament is said to be in the same family as the “EW454F” large Anti Vessel Sword.

背部「Mk-1」に代わりウェポンラックが搭載された。本仕様では純粋にMS形態としての性能を重視しており、MA形態とそれに伴う可変機首をオミットする事で、改修時に追加された武装の重量増加を相殺している。The dorsal “Mk-1” was replaced by a Weapon rack. In this specification, the emphasis is purely on performance as an MS form, and the MA form and accompanying variable nose are omitted to offset the increased weight of the armament added at the time of the modification.


The dorsal “Mk-1” was replaced by a Weapon rack. In this specification, the emphasis is purely on performance as an MS form, and the MA form and accompanying variable nose are omitted to offset the increased weight of the armament added at the time of the modification.

背部に懸架する超高インパルス砲。「STTS-909」に搭載されている「MA-BBF75」を改修したモデル。可動式のグリップが増設された携行仕様となっている。A hyper impulse gun mounted on the back. This model is a modified version of the “MA-BBF75,” which is the same type of equipment of the “STTS-909. It is designed to be carried with an additional movable grip.


A hyper impulse gun mounted on the back. This model is a modified version of the “MA-BBF75,” which is the same type of equipment of the “STTS-909. It is designed to be carried with an additional movable grip.

袖口に搭載された小型ビーム砲。「MMI-X340」を参考とした武装である。非常に短い射程だが、極めて高い威力を誇り至近距離で発砲する事で敵機を爆砕する。A small beam cannon mounted on the cuff. This armament is based on the “MMI-X340. It has a very short range, but boasts extremely high power, and can be fired at close range to destroy enemy MS.


A small beam cannon mounted on the cuff. This armament is based on the “MMI-X340. It has a very short range, but boasts extremely high power, and can be fired at close range to destroy enemy MS.

後にエルドア地区の戦闘で撃墜される「STTS-808」だが、機体と搭乗者の親和性の低さが撃墜要因の1つとされる。仮に搭乗者の適正と合致した機体仕様であったのなら、機体の辿る¨運命¨も変わっていたのだろうか。The “STTS-808” is a new type of “C.O.M.P.S.” MS, but is later shotdown, and its low affinity with the pilot is said to be one of the reasons for the shot-down. If the specifications of the aircraft had been in line with the pilot's aptitude to fly it, would its ¨Destiny¨ have changed?


The “STTS-808” is a new type of “C.O.M.P.S.” MS, but is later shotdown, and its low affinity with the pilot is said to be one of the reasons for the shot-down. If the specifications of the aircraft had been in line with the pilot's aptitude to fly it, would its ¨Destiny¨ have changed?






Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end!





  1. kanda 3か月前



  2. 相変わらずの狂ったようなプラ板工作精度!


  3. いいですね操縦者の特性に合わせたオーダーメイド仕様

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